Monday, October 27, 2014

Starting Up...

Hi There,

Let me start the first post by introducing myself & about my blog.

So something about me in a nutshell:-

Name- Rasika
What I do for a Living- Working in the IT industry since past 7 years
My Passions- Photography, Travel, Music & Reading

I have always wanted to start blogging since a long time, but what really inspired me to go up & about it is a post about travel photography I came across today.
Posting the link to the same in case you are curious:

Just a small note though- even though the above blog is about improving your photography skills, it also inspired me to make stuff happen- in-short start my own blog where I can post pics & write about them instead of uploading them just-like-that on social networking sites or not processing them from my DSLR D3200 which is sitting in my fancy camera bag for 2 months now.

I really, really love to travel- in fact if I had the guts to give up my job & do Travel Photography for a living I would really do it.
Its my dream to travel to every corner of the world & capture everything in pixels.
However, I have not given up on this dream of mine yet..Someday I will surely make it.

Not everybody has the courage to give up their secure- 9-to-5 job & take up photography for a living. And somewhere in the daily routine & hustle-bustle of life I felt I am being slowly pulled away from the thing I love the most. 
So today I finally decided to start this blog with my pics, so atleast I will remain connected to my passion.

My idea for photography is I wanna capture memories- they say a picture expresses a thousand words what written words themselves cannot describe. 

So I will keep posting on this blog various random pics that I keep taking & the event or a short story related to the same pic.

To mark the initiation of my Blog I am posting a pic of Lord Ganesha captured with Diwali lanterns in Background- since Lord Ganesha is always used for Auspicious Beginnings & Diwali has just passed by 2 days before. 
Hope Lord Ganesha blesses me & gives me the courage pursue my passions & be successful in them! :)

Keep an eye out for the next post soon..& do let me know how my first post turned out.
Also I am always open to constructive feedback- so let all your comments, reviews, suggestions pour in! :)

Till then keep clicking & stay rocking!